Informix TechTalk: Enhancing Informix 4GL with TERMCAP Settings by Lester Knutsen

Published on August 11, 2022 by Lester Knutsen

Informix Tech Talk Replay

Title: Informix TechTalk: Enhancing Informix 4GL with TERMCAP Settings by Lester Knutsen
Replay from Thursday, September 29, 2022, 2:00 pm EDT

Description: How to work with Informix 4GL Terminal and TERMCAP capabilities to improve the appearance of 4GL programs. Informix 4GL uses the Unix TERMCAP file to display colors, window line boxes, and function keys. We will explore the lab from my Informix 4GL training class that shows how to improve the quality of your 4GL screen and window display, add colors, and correctly trap function keys. We will demonstrate and provide code for a 4GL program to test your TERMCAP file.

Download Lab Instructions – 08-lab-Informix-4GL-TERM-Setting.pdf

Download Lab Examples –

Download PDF Slides – InformixTechTalk 4GL Termcap by Lester Knutsen

View Replay on YouTube –