Announcement from Advanced DataTools and xDB Systems, Inc on Informix Consulting
Advanced DataTools is excited to announce that Thomas Beebe and Mike Walker have formed xDB Systems, Inc. and acquired the customers, contracts, DBA support agreements, service agreements, and customer obligations from Advanced DataTools. The transfer of these agreements and contracts took effect on March 1, 2021. Please direct all future database consulting requirements to xDB Systems at mike@xdbsystems.com, tom@xdbsystems.com, or phone 303-834-3567. Visit xDB Systems new website at https://www.xdbsystems.com
"Without Advanced DataTools’ invaluable assistance to our data warehouse efforts, FSA would be years behind on our current deployment schedule. The personnel from Advanced DataTools are well-trained and meet FSA's needs for time and cost savings in our complex data warehouse efforts."
~Jeffrey O'Connell, CPA, USDA, Farm Service Agency, Kansas City Finance Office