“Excellence in Team Work”
On December 13th 2011, the USDA Farm Service Agency held a celebration for Advanced DataTools honoring our 13 years of teamwork implementing FSA's data warehouse.

History of Advanced DataTools at FSA
In the spring of 1998, FSA began a project to develop a data warehouse to support the implementation of the CCC CORE accounting system. After 6 months of little progress, FSA focused on finding an alternate data warehouse integrator and through Brio, FSA was introduced to Advanced DataTools.
Advanced DataTools presented a 6-week pilot project for evaluation. During the six weeks, the entire data warehouse environment was set-up, requirements were gathered, data models developed, and one year of FSA CORE data was loaded. During the last week, users were trained on Brio and reports were developed. We invited OCFO to the last day of the workshop when all the reports were demonstrated. OCFO was impressed as was everyone else. We went on to complete the first data mart using FSA CORE data in 1999 and we have not stopped building data marts for 13 years!
FSA Data Mart History
- FSA CORE (1999) – developed as a pilot data mart for CCC CORE using FSA CORE data.
- CCC CORE (1999) – developed to support all the financial reporting requirements for the Commodity Credit Corporation.
- Payroll/FFIS (2000) – detail payroll added and migration to the new accounting system, FFIS
- Customer Financial Information (2001) - known as the Payments data mart; has been the work horse for detailed transaction data.
- Financial Inquiries (2002) - the public facing data mart providing detail financial transaction data to producers and ranchers via Web reports.
- Section 1614 (2006) – one of our greatest challenges and success stories; developed to provide member benefit information – received Administrator’s Award.
- PPRS (2007) - developed to capture information from the IRS Reporting System, PPRS.
- Federal Funding Accountability (2007) – originally developed to support the Transparency Act and is used to capture all FSA spending
- FWADM (2008) - provides all the detailed data from the Financial Web applications, NPS, NRRS, E-FMS, and Financial Services. FWADM is now the work horse data mart for FSA.
- Marketing Assistance Loan Balancing (2009) - developed to support balancing between APSS and the general ledger.
- Farm Storage Facility Loans (2010) - developed to support reconciliation between the general ledger and the FSFL application.
- Cotton (2010) – developed to provide ACRS and COPS data for reconciliation to CCC CORE.
- Other Data Marts - Export Tracking System (1999), Name and Address (2000), Debt Management (2001), General Sales Manager (2002), Budget Performance Management System (2008)