With the emergence of 'Internet of Things' (IoT) we are all collecting more data than ever. Every company wants to get as much data as possible and have it available for use as even faster. With this new mentality of getting data there quickly, new methods of application development have become common. With the focus squarely on the application it has changed how the database sits in the corporate structure. Informix has grown and changed to meet the changing needs of the data economy. In this talk we will be covering a number of the new features that Informix has introduced in the last several years to meet the era of Big Data. We also are going to talk about several complimentary utilities that work hand in hand with Informix to better manage and make sense of the volumes of new data coming in. We will explain what NoSQL is and why you should care about a new method to store and manage data. Also we will talk about the new REST and Mongo listeners and show how that is changing the face of how we can access our Informix data. Join us for this look over some of the new facets of the changing Informix landscape.