Informix TechTalk: Exploring the Informix Sysmaster Database by Lester Knutsen

Published on July 1, 2024 by Lester Knutsen

Informix TechTalk: Exploring the Informix Sysmaster Database by Lester Knutsen


Next Informix TechTalk: Exploring the Informix Sysmaster Database by Lester Knutsen
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024, 2:00 pm EST

Lester Knutsen will present his Informix Sysmaster Scripts for monitoring and performance tuning an Informix Database Server from his Advanced Informix Performance Tuning Course. We will cover disk and chunk I/O, log turnover, performance ratios, table and index I/O, and identify the slowest SQL statements.

Lester Knutsen is an IBM Informix Lifetime Champion with over 40 years of Informix experience.

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