mike walker

Mike Walker


Mike is the lead for Advanced DataTools’ Remote DBA Service, providing support and monitoring to a large number of Informix customers. Mike started using Informix in 1993 and works with databases of all sizes. He is an enthusiastic user and promoter of Informix running on small footprint ARM systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). He is experienced with Informix TimeSeries, passionate about performance tuning, and has performed many complex database migrations and upgrades.

Mike is a member of the International Informix User Group (IIUG) and head of the Colorado Informix Users Group. He has performed and published independent benchmarks on the Informix Warehouse Accelerator (IWA) and has presented at user group conferences on topics regarding database administration, performance tuning, database monitoring and recently on IoT with TimeSeries. Mike is also an active participant onthe Informix list, and the IBM and Informix LinkedIn groups.