Exploring the Informix OnLine Utilities

Published on October 1, 2002 by Lester Knutsen

This post is the original article I wrote on Exploring the Infomrix Utilities that has been reprinted in many other places.


INFORMIX-OnLine DSA comes with a set of powerful command line utilities that enable you to monitor, tune, and configure your database server. This chapter will focus on eight of these utilities, and present ways to use them to optimize your performance as a database administrator.

The command line utilities and the order in which we will discuss them is as follows:

  • ONSTAT - shows shared memory and server statistics
  • ONCHECK - checks and repairs disk space
  • ONMODE - changes OnLine’s operating mode
  • ONLOG - logical log debugging tool
  • ONINIT - initialize and start up the database server
  • ONSPACES - configure dbspaces and chunks
  • ONPARAMS - configure logs
  • ONTAPE - backup and restore utility
  • ONLOAD - loads databases and tables
  • ONUNLOAD - unloads databases and tables